Birds of Australia
Common Name: Little Corella
Scientific Name: Cacatua sanguinea
Little Corella, Budgewoi June 2020
Little Corella, Budgewoi June 2020
Little Corella, Budgewoi Nov 2018
Little Corella, Budgewoi Nov 2018
Little Corella, Budgewoi,NSW. Aug 2014
Little Corella eating Grevillea at North Entrance, NSW Sept 2014
Little Corella eating Grevillea at North Entrance, NSW Sept 2014
Little Corellas play flighting Budgewoi, NSW Aug 2014
This smaller member of the Cockatoo family is not supposed to be found here but there are large flocks in some places. From memory they were cage birds that escaped or were set free and have become established.
There are smaller flocks of Long-billed Corellas in the area as well but they are not as numerous.

Little corellas are yellow on the underside of their wings and tail similar to the Sulphur-crested Cockatoo. above photos taken at Budgewoi, Sept 2012
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