Custom Web Sites
Complete web site design from concept to the internet
Stevografix offers you a complete web design service from domain registration to site hosting and web page design including:
- Domain Registration
- Site Hosting
- Site Design
- 6 email addresses
- SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
- On-site photography (Central Coast of NSW)
- Image library
Custom Web Sites
Custom web sites can be made for your business. If you have a domain name in mind e.g. I can purchase it for you or find viable alternatives if taken.
An .au extension on a domain name e.g. requires an A.B.N. or A.C.N.
Domain Names
Domain names are also available for - .net, .org, .info, .biz and many more.
Web Hosting
My host guarantees 99.9% uptime and is housed at Australia in Sydney unlike many other overseas hosts that many Australians use. This means less hops to the server giving quicker load times and Google recognizes sites as an Australian site even if the domain doesn't end
in .au.
I can host the site online including several emails for a modest annual fee and design your site for you.
A facebook business page can also be made for clients but this requires maintenance by clients to answer user questions. Businesses with shop or physical location can be placed on Google maps and many other services.
Some clients sites are below.

Oasis Journal
a Quarterly Orchid Magazine
Lots of Information on Orchid Species.

Terrigal Dive Centre
Learn to SCUBA Dive with Terrigal Dive at The Haven.
Site of the ex HMAS Adelaide II Diving Wreck & Artificial Reef.
One of the two full time official moorings at the wreck dive.
Suppliers of quality GE and Su-Kam
Uninterruptible Power Supply Units
Located in Berkeley Vale servicing Sydney to northern NSW
Bateau Bay Veterinary Hospital
Care or surgery for your dog or cat
UPS Australia
Suppliers of quality GE and Su-Kam
Uninterruptible Power Supply Units
Specializing in Sales, Installation and Maintenance of Computers,
Security Systems and Telecommunications in Western Victoria.
Weed Witch - Adelaide Hills Area
Weed Witch specialises in the control of woody weeds, creepers and
herbaceous perennial plants in domestic backyards,
small rural acreages etc. of weed infestation using
environmentally responsible techniques.
Just for Fun
My Cat's Home Page
This started of as a joke and became a labour of love
Cat Humour & Wisdom, dig deep there's a lot in it.
Not for Younger Surfers.
The whole site has undergone a brand new 2008 make over
It has more cat jokes to make you laugh and
contains 50% more CycoGlitz*