Birds of Australia
Common Name: Grey Butcherbird
Scientific Name: Cracticus torquatus
Male Grey Butcherbird Budgewoi May 2020.
Juvenile Grey Butcherbird Budgewoi May 2020.
Female Grey Butcherbird Budgewoi Oct 2017
Females seem more timid than males and juveniles
Male Grey Butcherbird Budgewoi Oct 2017
Male Grey Butcherbird Budgewoi Sept 2016
Juvenile Grey Butcherbird Budgewoi Nov 2018
Male and juvenile Grey Butcherbird Budgewoi Nov 2016

An adult male Grey Butcherbird at Long Jetty, Aug 2013.
Note the hook at the end off the beak used to tear its victims apart.
Small birds live in fear of butcherbirds who as much a predator as some of the birds of prey.
This one had a fledgling nearby and wasn't going to take its eyes off me to display the grey back and wings.
Despite their aggressive nature they are one of the finest song birds however the Pied Butcherbird has a nicer call, intermingled with various other bird calls and noises from their environment. Pied Bitcherbirds are approx. 6 Cms larger than Grey Butcherbirds
Grey Butcherbirds they don't obtain full adult colours for two years.
The Eastern Coast sub-species on the eastern side of the Great dividing Range from Brisbane to half way of Victorian coast are the Cracticus torquatus torquatus sub-species
Juvenile Grey Butcherbird,
Wyperfeld National Park, Vic Oct 2014.
In this region of Western Victoria has the leucopterus sub-species.
Young Grey Butcherbird in full voice, Budgewoi, NSW. Nov 2013
Adult Grey Butcherbird, Budgewoi, NSW. June 2013
Young Grey Butcherbird, Budgewoi, NSW. June 2013
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