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Birds of the Central Coast of NSW

Common Name: Superb Blue Wren

Scientific Name: Malurus cyaneus

Location & Date: Michael's Walk Budgewoi Aug 2012

Media: Nikon D7000

Superb Blue Wren


Male superb Blue Wren.

Suberb Blue Wren female


Superb Blue Wren female

Location & Date: Michael's Walk Budgewoi Aug 2012

Media: Nikon D7000

Superb Blue Rwen female flying


Superb Blue Wren female flying.

Male Superb Blue Wren losing his breeding colours

Location & Date: F3 Rest Stop Ourimbah 27th Feb 2013


In late February the males lose their breeding colours. They start to regain their breeding colours in early August, the male in the first image was in full breeding colours on 13th August.


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